Students at Felician University are governed by the regulations and provisions printed in the current catalog and student handbook, as well as those regulations promulgated during the course of the academic year. The University expects every student to uphold the highest standards of conduct and reserves the right at any time to suspend or dismiss a student whose conduct is unethical, inappropriate, or in violation of University policy. All students are governed by the policies and procedures of a University-wide Honor Code policy.
The Felician University Student Handbook states: “Students are hereby notified that institutional officials, including faculty and staff, have the right to maintain order and respect for authority by eliminating or reducing student behavior that creates unproductive and unsafe teaching/learning environments.”
If classroom behavior does not comply with this description, the following will occur:
- The student may be asked to leave the class. Should he or she refuse, the Security officer may be contacted;
- The incident will be documented in a memo to the department Chair, with a copy sent to the Dean of the School;
- The student will be referred to the Chair of the department for a meeting (or directly to the Dean if the incident involves a department Chair).
If a second incident occurs, the student will be sent directly to the Dean of the School. A written record of this meeting with the student will be sent to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. If the student continues to disregard University policy, he or she will receive a dismissal warning letter from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Should this letter be ignored and behavior not improve, a disciplinary hearing will be held. This hearing can result in sanctions such as suspension or dismissal from Felician University.